1. Summer Intensive Revision Course Year 5 Course A
Maths & English Online
Maths Dates: 30/07, 31/07, 01/08 – 12 hours English Dates: 06/08, 07/08, 08/08 – 12 hours
Lesson 9 am to 11 am, 2 hour Lunch Break, Lesson 1 pm to 3 pm 4 hours each day
30/07 Tuesday Maths (1 of 3)
31/07 Wednesday Maths (2 of 3)
01/08 Thursday Maths (3 of 3)
06/08 Tuesday English (1 of 3)
07/08 Wednesday English (2 of 3)
08/08 Thursday English (3 of 3)
Total 24 hours
Cost for entire course is £500 Cost for each subject is £250
Hourly rate is £20.83.
2. Summer Intensive Revision Course Year 5 Course B
Maths & English Online
Maths Dates: 13/08, 14/08, 15/08 – 12 hours English Dates: 20/08, 21/08, 22/08 – 12 hours
Lesson 9 am to 11 am, 2 hour Lunch Break , Lesson 1 pm to 3 pm 4 hours each day
13/08 Tuesday Maths (1 of 3)
14/08 Wednesday Maths (2 of 3)
15/08 Thursday Maths (3 of 3)
20/08 Tuesday English (1 of 3)
21/08 Wednesday English (2 of 3)
22/08 Thursday English (3 of 3)
Total 24 hours
Cost for entire course is £500 Cost for each subject is £250
Hourly rate is £20.83.
Both courses are identical and ONLINE. Your child only needs to attend one of the two courses.
A 6 days’ course with 4 hours on each day, thus totalling 24 hours and taught by myself and Mrs Leila B. We will be sharing the courses like previous years. This course will cover the entire new KS2 syllabus and the 11 plus syllabus. Suitable for those currently in Year 5. These will benefit students who started slightly late with their preparation or simply require a better understanding in the subjects or even struggle to revise on their own. Or perhaps you don’t have the time to sit with them in the summer holidays to revise. Unlike with other providers,
your child will not be doing test papers in these courses. Your child will be taught topic by topic and we will ensure they have understood each topic before moving on. Printed course material will be posted to you beforehand.
For the course to be effective, you will need to attend all days of each subject. You can book each subject separately or both subjects together. A copy of the syllabus is attached.
We have been running these courses for the past 11 years with a success rate in excess of 96%.( Success measured by whether a child who attended the course passed the entrance exams).
Max 30 spaces in each course. Spaces will be strictly offered on first come, first served basis. We already have a waiting list in place for external students, therefore spaces cannot be held for internal students.
3. Friday, 09/08 10 to 1:
Exam techniques, time management, managing expectations, dealing with stress and dealing with outcomes of exams.
Taught FACE to FACE at Harris Academy Purley CR2 6DT by myself. 3 hours. Fee is £80.
4. VR/NVR Intensive Course Online
9 am to 11 am, Lunch break, 1 pm to 3 pm
25/07 Thursday (1 of 4)
26/07 Friday (2 of 4)
29/08 Thursday ( 3 of 4)
30/08 Friday ( 4 of 4)
Total 16 hours
Cost is £300, hourly rate £18.75
Four-day course, 4 hours on each day taught ONLINE by me and the experienced team at Pillai Tutors. Techniques and question types will be thoroughly taught before practising in class. This course will cover VR & NVR; suitable for those doing Newstead Wood, St Olave’s, Kent grammar schools and independent schools’ exams. Printed course material will be posted to you beforehand.
Max 30 spaces in each course. Spaces will be strictly offered on first come, first served basis. We already have a waiting list in place for external students, therefore spaces cannot be held for internal students.
Terms & Conditions and Syllabus are here:
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/3ue3ip4c6vgx5xadbptx5/h?rlkey=dyzqjm65k6f rmyujafq2mf5gw&dl=0
Booking Form: https://forms.gle/gQUmQNC8aTRECbL27